Are you yearning for a career that not only pays the bills but also aligns with your values, passions, and aspirations? In "Do Work That Matters," renowned career coach and speaker Allison Mayers guides you on a transformative journey to discover your true calling and unlock your potential at every stage of your professional journey.

Multi Careering (Frames Series): Do Work That Matters at Every Stage of Your Journey
Multi-Careering (Frames Series): Do Work That Matters at Every Stage of Your Journey
by Elana M Johnson

4.1 out of 5

Language : English
File size : 3689 KB
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
Word Wise : Enabled
Print length : 84 pages

Purpose-Driven Work: A Blueprint for Fulfillment

Mayers emphasizes the profound importance of pursuing work that resonates with your core principles and aspirations. She invites you to delve into your values, interests, and skills to craft a career path that is both personally fulfilling and professionally rewarding.

Through a series of introspective exercises and actionable advice, "Do Work That Matters" empowers you to:

  • Identify your unique strengths and passions
  • Align your career goals with your values and life purpose
  • Explore different career options and make informed choices

The Dynamic Journey: Embracing Change and Growth

Mayers acknowledges that our career paths are not linear but rather dynamic and evolving. "Do Work That Matters" provides a framework to navigate the complexities of the modern job market, where constant change and technological advancements require adaptability and resilience.

She offers practical strategies to:

  • Embrace learning and development throughout your career
  • Adapt to changing industry trends and job requirements
  • Identify new opportunities and pivot when necessary

The Stages of Work: Finding Meaning at Each Chapter

Mayers breaks down the typical career journey into four distinct stages: Exploration, Establishment, Advancement, and Legacy. She provides tailored advice and insights for each stage, helping you to:

  • Exploration: Discover your passions, explore different options, and lay the foundation for your future career
  • Establishment: Build a strong foundation in your chosen field, demonstrate your skills, and establish yourself professionally
  • Advancement: Take on new challenges, develop leadership abilities, and advance your career trajectory
  • Legacy: Reflect on your accomplishments, share your wisdom and experience, and leave a lasting impact

The Power of Networking and Relationships

Mayers highlights the critical role relationships play in career success. She emphasizes the importance of building a strong network of mentors, colleagues, and industry professionals.

"Do Work That Matters" provides guidance on:

  • Developing and maintaining professional relationships
  • Finding mentors who can support and guide your growth
  • Leveraging networking opportunities to expand your career options

: A Path to Meaningful Work

"Do Work That Matters" is a comprehensive guide to navigating the complexities of the modern career journey with purpose and fulfillment. Allison Mayers empowers readers to uncover their true potential, make informed choices, and achieve success on their own terms.

Whether you are a recent graduate, a mid-career professional, or someone seeking a career change, this book will guide you on a path to work that truly matters.

Unlock your potential and find your calling today with "Do Work That Matters!"